David Chippendale
Before joining Nexcom, David was the CEO of Chip Studio, a software development firm that programmed for the United States Air Force, COVID-19 research, and the quality industry. A 15-year veteran programmer, David has extensive knowledge of system architecture, SaaS product development, and the AI landscape.
The Secret Formula
AI Generated Responses in Customer Service Ever been frustrated by a robotic customer service...
4 minute read
The AI Truth
Is Your Data a Goldmine or a Ticking Time Bomb? The AI Truth Data can often be compared to oil,...
4 minute read
The role of Generative and Analytical AI
Harnessing the Power of Generative and Analytical AI for Personalized Customer Experiences
2 minute read
How to pick the right AI for your business
AI is changing the world, and businesses are scrambling to keep up. It’s been a never-ending game...
3 minute read
The future of AI in the CX industry
Artificial intelligence (AI) will be used in nearly every industry to streamline operations, and...
2 minute read